Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Matrix Resurrection and Holy Innocents
Monday, December 20, 2021
Christmas homework
Fr. Alex gave us homework for Christmas Eve Mass... we are to think of the most memorable Christmas gift we have ever received and will share it at the bilingual Christmas Eve Mass on the 24th.
I can only think of one such memorable present. I received it from "Santa" when I was 7 or 8 years old. It must have been my last "Santa" Christmas. But really it was a gift from Dad.
The most memorable Christmas present I received was the box set of volumes 1-6 of the Anne of Green Gables books by L.M. Montgomery. It quickly became my favorite book(s) for the following 25 years or so, and I've read it more than I've read the Bible (something I jokingly admitted to JFJ the other day, to which he looked at me with horror saying, "Umma, the Bible is the most important book!" LOL. How dare I...).
Looking back, this gift is one of only a handful of really specifically positive personal memories I have of my father. He later explained to me how he liked the books in his youth because he had lost his mother early in life and could relate to the orphan Anne. It was a rare conversation that I had with him about his childhood, most of which I learned about from stories told by my mom on his behalf. In a sea of tumultuous memories and adverse childhood experiences with my father, this is one that was surprisingly... tender and vulnerable. And then for decades I found delight, amusement, and thrill in reading and rereading those books of that series.
Lately I've been reflecting on how little time I have left with my parents. If we're lucky, they will live for another two decades or so. If the last two decades have taught me anything, though, it is that time FLIES. I have far less time left with them than what we've had so far. It's a sobering thought, and one that I try to keep in mind in each of my interactions with them now. I hope the time we have left will be filled with happy memories, hope and warmth.
Isn't that why I spent a decade of lots of the sacrament of reconciliation, spiritual direction, and therapy to be able to do? It's gotta be one of the reasons at least.
Lord knows how I am screwing up our kids. I'm not sure what gift, if any, they'll really remember in their adulthood. Their lives are so... provided for. I realize I am part of the providing forces, but it sometimes amazes me how much they HAVE and yet how much more they want! It feels decadent and hollow somehow. But I don't know how to share in the depth that is Christmas with them amidst all the distractions, all the STUFF. I don't know if they value anything they receive. It's appalling to me the throwaway attitude I sense in them. I grew up really trying to take care of everything I had to prolong their usefulness and to just save. I don't know how to motivate our kids to do likewise. I feel like that would be a better gift than any of the toys or games we give them each year for Christmas and birthdays.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Shortbread binge
I had been craving shortbread for at least a week. So after a very productive work from home day today, I took a little break around 3:30 to bake.
Confession: I don't follow recipes very well.
I did look at some recipes online since I had never baked shortbread before. But in the end, I basically put the following into the ninja: 1.75 cups unbleached all-purpose flour, half cup cane sugar, 1 cup of cold unsalted butter (diced into small cubes), 1/4 tsp salt, 1 tsp real vanilla extract. Cookie dough setting, go! Followed by some pulsing and then just took it out and used my hands. Roll out, cookie cutter out, place spaced on cookie sheets then chill in fridge for about a half hour. Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes depending on the sheet (I have two kinds and the darker one always bakes faster). Cool on sheets (another confession: I ate like 3 right out of the oven to test for poison and to see if I still have feeling on my lips or can I feel the burn??). Transfer to cooling rack after 10-15 minutes (polished off about a quarter of the batch in transfer and another quarter when placing in a container for storage at the end of the night).
The kids got a taste and I lack self restraint, so we don't have many cookies left for the morrow.
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Instagram story |
Food aesthetics is another thing I don't do well. I mean I basically cookie monstered half the batch while making. Does it matter that they didn't hold their flowery shape? In the end they ended up looking like twisted off bottle caps. Something to remember if I ever host an UP themed party...
I occasionally have thoughts regarding my death these days, or perhaps it is really about death in general. I hope, whenever it happens, the people I leave behind will be OK. I hope we won't have regrets or love left unexpressed. I hope they'll move on, maybe miss me but not miss out.
I try not to dwell on it for too long though. So far I have discerned that I am to direct my efforts towards survival and living for a while longer. It entails suffering, but... that's life.
So... shortbread but not too often because they're really not healthy.
Monday, December 6, 2021
Patience, Advent, and my new 40s adventure
Saturday, June 26, 2021
30 til 40
In 30 days, I celebrate a milestone. Unsurprisingly, I have been pensive these last few months as I approach my 40th birthday. I don't get a lot of time to pause and reflect, and the inhumane level of multi-tasking I was attempting during the pandemic does not help. Slowly I am weaning myself from that (although the brain damage has been done imho). Maybe putting words together like this, like I used to do so profusely in my 20s, will help.
The other day I was thinking back to the past decade, only to realize I was in fact thinking about two decades ago. Time is warped in my memory. If my 20s were a meandering in the desert, my 30s were a slightly too long sprint on an unevenly paved track, culminating in a run through a sick carnival fun house that I'm not sure we're actually out of yet. There were a lot of fun parts, and a lot of joy and blessing. After thirty years of feeling like a discombobulated entity, I was living that integrated life that I so longed for as a college student. It hasn't been all easy, but it has been relieving and at ease. Not sure if that makes sense, but there it is.
To be sure, there is a lot more wisdom and experience to be gained as I look forward. My thoughts are still much like that slightly contrary teen of my youth, but I hold my tongue and listen more. I look forward to a later time when I will know how best to put forth what I perceive and process. It's nice to have one's frontal lobes and prefrontal cortex more fully developed though. My gosh what a difference it makes! But the thought that my brain has peaked or is peaking and it's all downhill from soon... that is pretty dreadful.
Ten years ago, I was apparently reading Anthony de Mello's Awareness. "I'm an Ass, You're an Ass. That’s the most liberating, wonderful thing in the world, when you openly admit you’re an ass. It’s wonderful." This is a humorously sobering reminder as I attempt to raise children now. There is nothing so humiliating as learning about the heart of God as I parent. It is horrifying and the most splendid thing at the same time. Exasperation mixed with awe.
I still trust in that higher power. Our relationship has evolved greatly over the past decade. I struggle to feel the intimacy moreso than before, but I know we're still together. The signs are different. Probably I am different.
I am different. I am now JI. HAHA